Tuesday, September 15, 2009

French Women Don't Need Self-Help Books

For me, buying perfume is a never-ending quest to find the "True Me." It's like all of a sudden, with the right perfume, I'm going to start speaking perfect fluent French, have impecciable fashion sense, finally start my jet-set lifestyle, and have all of my problems solved. It's similar to Rebecca Bloomwood in Confessions of a Shopaholic when she convinces herself numerous times that people will refer to her as "the woman in the green scarf" or "the woman in the brown leather boots." It's almost a sickness that we American women have, a constant search to clutch onto any single piece of the woman that we should be. We all have out images of her; she's most likely French, happily free of work, ("because she travels far too much, darling...and she could never be tied down like that") a jet-setter, has no money concerns whatsoever ("talking about money is so not French", she would say, as she sets down her Louis Vuitton luggage in her suite.) And yet she is not pretentious at all; just classy, stylish, and burden free. Naturally, her hair is perfect as is her skin, and she smells like the most sophiscated, feminine, well seasoned, woman with a hint of minx, that you could ever imagine. Who wouldn't want to be her? Not me, of course! And that's why I am putting myself on the pre-order list for the new YSL Parisienne; because this perfume is going to change my life...