Monday, September 14, 2009

Coming soon to The Beauty Loft...

I received a packcage a couple of months ago with these Shadow Shields inside. At the time, things were crazy busy at The Beauty Loft Gainesville and I didn't have the time to consider buying them. Numerous fashion shows, photo shoots, and cosmetic consultations later...I can't tell you how many times I wished that I had these on hand. There's nothing more annoying than eyeshadow sprinkling on a perfectly finished face. This leads to wiping off the sprinkles, streaking, undereye concealer being rubbed off, and having to apply it all over again. How simple are these? They only take a second to apply and they save precious minutes when you have a place that you need to be. Shadow Shields: We should have them at both Beauty Loft locations by late fall! Place your pre-orders now.