This is where the inspiration begins...Makeup Maven is a place where you will find the newest products, the trendiest ideas, the most innovative information, and my own personal selection of style...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
New in Stock
Shadow Shields are now in stock at Beauty Loft Tallahassee! Come and try them out...and say good-bye to raccoon eyes forever!
For me inspiration is a picture, a person, a smell, a place, an odd moment in time. The beauty industry is created by these types of defining moments. Each collection is a fraction of an inspiration...the result of something someone felt, heard, smelled, or wanted to be. Every product, from perfume to nail polish to hair products and eyeshadow is a portal to become someone else; someplace else. Makeup Maven is a place to portray style and invite inspiration in even the smallest and mundane places...